Friday, January 31, 2014

Reference Pictures

 This is some of the images used for reference for the park being created. This is out of about 79 pictures I chose these since they show the main features. This is all for now. I feel like these pictures will give me a head start and will allow me to complete this with some ease.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Project Outline

Logan Keck
Hour 6 & 7th
What I want to try to make is a 3-D environment in Maya capable of being in a video game.
I am going to do this of a park near my house (Haven Park). There is no story or characters.

3-D Game Environment:
·       Make a model sheet or diagram of the scene / Take Reference Pictures
Due: Jan. 31st
o   Get some reference images / Take them
o   Draw all the models / Attach Images
o   Draw the scene / Pictures
o   Keys for where it all goes / No need if pictured
o   Blog Sketches
·       Begin modeling
Due: Feb. 3rd
o   Watch Linda videos
o   Start making the models
o   Take test images
o   Blog it
·       Everything Modeled
Due: Feb. 13th
o   All object modeled
o   All scene modeled
o   Test Images
o   Blog it
·       Texture with UV’s
Due: Feb. 28th
o   Watch Lynda
o   Texture everything
o   Test images
o   Blog it
·       Setup Lighting
Due: March 7th
o   Watch Lynda (maybe)
o   Take outdoor/indoor pictures to examine the light
o   Model off of reference images
o   Take test pictures
o   Blog it
·       Render
Due: March 14th
o   Take a wireframe test
o   Do a render test
o   Do final render
o   Blog it

Thursday, January 9, 2014

My Personality Type

Personality Type

On a personality test I was considered a INTJ. This test is at this website"win/jtypes2.asp. I am bored typing this up so don't view anything I put up, you will scare me. The I stands for Introvert(YES), N for Intuitive(Eh), T for Thinking(Yes), and J for Judging(Eh). (Yes I am judging you right now as you read this very parenthetical sentence)

This is a very close assessment of me I am definitely introverted, I would like to stay alone over being with others. I am not really intuitive. I think things through quite throughly. I do judge people and things all the time. So this is quite accurate.

Some of the sites came with descriptions of each of the personality types. One of the descriptions I like especially since I think of myself as a Strategist "The Master Mind." I feel as if I already understood but the                    descriptions always help.

I always knew why I went to certain roles in groups just knowing how I am and what I like. My personality type from the site reflects why i do go to these group roles quite clearly.

I bet people misunderstand me when I am just sitting in a corner to myself but I truly don't know if people do misunderstand who I am. I truly don't care if I have never been judged nor do I know if I have.

Out of the things I have learned from this is nothing. I knew all this about myself now I just have something to show for it. Anyone who reads this go take the test and put in the comments section your personality type.