Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Project Outline

Logan Keck
Hour 6 & 7th
What I want to try to make is a 3-D environment in Maya capable of being in a video game.
I am going to do this of a park near my house (Haven Park). There is no story or characters.

3-D Game Environment:
·       Make a model sheet or diagram of the scene / Take Reference Pictures
Due: Jan. 31st
o   Get some reference images / Take them
o   Draw all the models / Attach Images
o   Draw the scene / Pictures
o   Keys for where it all goes / No need if pictured
o   Blog Sketches
·       Begin modeling
Due: Feb. 3rd
o   Watch Linda videos
o   Start making the models
o   Take test images
o   Blog it
·       Everything Modeled
Due: Feb. 13th
o   All object modeled
o   All scene modeled
o   Test Images
o   Blog it
·       Texture with UV’s
Due: Feb. 28th
o   Watch Lynda
o   Texture everything
o   Test images
o   Blog it
·       Setup Lighting
Due: March 7th
o   Watch Lynda (maybe)
o   Take outdoor/indoor pictures to examine the light
o   Model off of reference images
o   Take test pictures
o   Blog it
·       Render
Due: March 14th
o   Take a wireframe test
o   Do a render test
o   Do final render
o   Blog it

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